Author Interview Tony Riches


It is my pleasure to introduce Tony Riches—an author of both best-selling fiction and non-fiction books, a blogger, and a podcaster. He has published several historical fiction books set in the 15th and 16th centuries about one of the most fascinating dynasties in England—the Tudors. I was excited to learn that he lived near the Pembroke Castle which I visited in 2013 and found fascinating.

Below you will find a brief biography, interview, and contact information for Tony Riches.

Tony Riches Author


Tony Riches is a full-time UK author of best-selling historical fiction. He lives in Pembrokeshire, West Wales and is a specialist in the history of the Tudors. For more information about Tony’s books please visit his website and his blog, The Writing Desk and find him on Facebook and Twitter @tonyriches

Author Interview Tony Riches

Would you provide an overview of the newest books or series that you have recently released?

My latest book is the conclusion to my Brandon trilogy, Katherine – Tudor Duchess.  This began as a ‘sequel’ to my best-selling Tudor trilogy, with the intriguing story of Henry VIII’s little sister Mary, who briefly became Queen of France. I visited her home at Westhorpe and became fascinated by the adventures her second husband, champion jouster and best friend of the king, Charles Brandon, so decided to tell the story from his point of view. After Mary died, Charles married a fourteen-year-old heiress, Katherine Willoughby, so her story was perfect for the third book of the trilogy. 


What inspired you to write historical fiction about the Tudors in the 15th and 16th centuries?

I was born in Pembroke, birthplace of King Henry VII, so have always been interested in finding out more about his story. I realised many visitors to Pembroke Castle had no idea he was born there, so my wife and I helped raise funding for the life-sized statue of Henry, now in front of the castle, so now he will always be remembered.

Henry Tudor Statue


How much research was involved in writing your books?

I usually spend at least a year visiting the actual locations, uncovering primary sources and planning each of my books. This has taken me to follow Henry and Jasper Tudor in exile to remote Brittany, although many of the locations are closer to home, as I live in Tudor Wales.

Is there any character that is your favorite in any of the books you have written? Explain why.

Owen Tudor, founder of the dynasty has to be my favourite, as although he came from modest beginnings, that didn’t stop him from secretly marrying the Queen of England and changing history. (Owen was also my first book to earn enough royalties to enable me to become a full-time author.)

Owen Book One Tudor Trilogy

How often do your characters surprise you by doing or saying something totally unexpected?

I like to stick to the historical facts, so they surprise me all the time. For example, Henry VII is thought of by many as ‘miserly’ but the records show he spent a fortune on his clothes and loved to gamble at cards (he often lost!) Mary Tudor didn’t complain when her brother married her off to the much older and sickly King Louis of France, and Katherine Willoughby risked everything for what she believed in.

Have you received reactions/feedback to your work that has surprised you? In what way?

I like hearing from readers, and one comment that I remember was from a mother in the US who said she’d bought all my books to help her son with his school work! Readers sometimes tell me they are descended from characters in my books, or that they are going to travel half way around the world to see the locations for themselves. 

If you could have one skill that you don’t currently have, what would it be?

I need to learn to read medieval French and Latin, as I often find primary sources where I have to rely on someone else’s interpretation.

What might we be surprised to learn about you?

I play the tenor sax and met my wife when we played in a group together – it was called ‘Black Knight’ – a clue to my future career?

What makes you laugh?

Tudor TV dramas, such as when they ‘merged’ Henry VIII’s sisters, Mary and Margaret in ‘The White Queen’. I had to stop watching but still wonder why. Did they not find either interesting enough? Could they not afford two actresses? I also cringed when they made Margaret Beaufort into a scheming villain… and I could never believe Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Henry VIII – although I was happy with Damian Lewis in ‘Wolf Hall’.

What simple pleasure makes you smile?

Talking to my two-year-old grandson on Facetime, as he takes video calling entirely for granted – but I’m still amazed that such a thing is possible for free.

Tony Riches, Pembrokeshire, West Wales

You can contact Tony Riches and learn more about him at:

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